9800 np to pro drama!

edited January 2005 in Hardware
Hey, I'm new to this forum, I hate to start off on a bad foot, but this is terrible. I read SimGuys guide to flashing a Pro bios on a 9800 non-pro video card (http://www.short-media.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3327). It turns out that I am in the same situation as megahyperion. megahyperion tells his problem in this thread: http://www.short-media.com/forum/showthread.php?t=26071

Basically, I have the 128bit card, not the 256bit as used in the example, and when i tried to flash it with the 9800 Pro bios, things went terrible upon restarting. All that was on my screen was a random assortment of numbers and letters in all different colors. I had backed up my original bios onto the floppy disk with flashrom and the 9800 pro bios as ORIGINAL.BIN. I figured I would just restart, use the Win98 boot disk to get into DOS, switch out for the flashrom disk, and type "flashrom -p 0 ORIGINAL.BIN" (without the quotes) to restore my bios. I did this, and I knew it was finished when I heard the floppy drive stop working. Upon restart, I still had the same exact problems. I did this again, again, and again to no avail. I'm still getting the random letters and numbers all over my screen.

After seeing megahyperions thread and seeing how he thought he had found a suitable BIOS for his card, I tried them out using the same process. Alas, megahyperion has different memory chips on his card than I do, so once again nothing changed. I tried reverting to Original.bin one more time, and it still didn't work. I don't have a PCI card laying around (I will be getting one from a friend later), but what I have done should fix the problem as far as I can tell. I would really really appreciate some help with this problem. You can catch me via:
AIM: webbiam82
e-mail: web03c@fsu.edu OR webbiam@gmail.com
you can even call my cell phone...e-mail me for the # ;P

thanks so much, I am in desperate need of fixing this situation.
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