Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
You know we all need it. We're always telling people to go here. An offshoot of the original icrontic family, has always been there to fill a void left when the original icrontic went down.
Keyboardjockey is a debate site. Politics, religion, world news, technology, social issues, you name it. Anything that we discourage here at short-media is encouraged there.
Forum member Kanezfan (pronounced CANES - FAN, as he is a Miami Hurricanes fan) has relaunched the site with a new front end and new forum software. The old site has been archived and is still available for viewing.
I highly encourage anyone who is interested in debating to go there and register (the old user accounts are gone, unfortunately). It's a great place to get your debate on.
Source: KeyboardJockey
Keyboardjockey is a debate site. Politics, religion, world news, technology, social issues, you name it. Anything that we discourage here at short-media is encouraged there.
Forum member Kanezfan (pronounced CANES - FAN, as he is a Miami Hurricanes fan) has relaunched the site with a new front end and new forum software. The old site has been archived and is still available for viewing.
I highly encourage anyone who is interested in debating to go there and register (the old user accounts are gone, unfortunately). It's a great place to get your debate on.
Source: KeyboardJockey
/me shrugs
Ah. I'd like to have an argument, please.
Does this mean I have to take the pins out of my little primesuspect doll?