Installing 98se Without Floppy

Mr_BojinglesMr_Bojingles Northern Michigan New
edited January 2005 in Science & Tech
Alright, here is my problem. I have a laptop that has 2 bays for devices. The hard is in one and the otherone is for either the cd-rom or floppy. I need to install windows 98se on this computer. I am using the retail version, so restore cds are out of the question. Is there anyway I can install it without using a floppy disk? Its all formatted and set to go, just need to get the install rolling.


  • ArmoArmo Mr. Nice Guy Is Dead,Only Aqua Remains Member
    edited January 2005

    i am doing the same thing as i type
    what i did was boot from the cd with cd rom support to the dos screen, use fdisk to delete the existing partition and create a new 1, restart and luanch the 98se setup and it will formatt it in the setup

    no need for a floppy :)
  • Mr_BojinglesMr_Bojingles Northern Michigan New
    edited January 2005
    *smacks self* I should of new that....I feel like such a n00b. Thanks armo
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited January 2005
    With some computers you need both for a short time, while others will let you look in BIOS and get basic support fora cd-rom boot by choosing CD-ROM for first boot choice and HD for second and then if your CD-ROM can be run by using default drivers on the retail CD the job is as easy as explained by Armo. It IS possible to makea custom bootable CD-ROM, that is finiky and I am for legal reasons not going to discuss that in any heavy detail here. Since it is a laptop, this custom CD is likeliest to be the best approach, though.
  • Mr_BojinglesMr_Bojingles Northern Michigan New
    edited January 2005
    heh, I really did know that...but due to lack of sleep and xp spoiling me I posted without even attempting to boot off the cd first(my brain was also telling me no boot off 98 cd)....but its all good. :thumbsup:
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited January 2005
    95 install can even boot off of a bootable CD with install scripts run. OEM CDs CAN force a Floppy boot or major revworking of the CD image and reburning. RETAIL CDs can even install NT4 from CD if another CD is made with bootables and scripted installs.
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