mondi Makes Half-A-Million!!!
The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
That's half-a-million, gang. As in 500,000. As in can you say ENORMOUS? Awesome job, mondi my friend!
Respect The Guru Of Folding!!!!!!!
He folds AND he's awesome... What more could a man ask for in another.... man... i mean.. erm.....
well at any rate, great folding, mondi
It's OK, buddy. We understand.
Hah! As my old college prof (note the lower case!) would say:
We have become of one mind.
That deserves one of these.
Hot Mondi
6 oz (almost a full mug) strong black tea, steaming hot
1 lemon slice
2 tsp honey
a few cloves
cinammon stick
6 oz VSOP Brandy
A 6 oz VSOP brandy chaser in a sidecar + a shot of whiskey in another sidecar
A toilet nearby
You have my admiration. What a role model that Mondi is!