Working on a laptop, no power to anything.
Someone gave me a laptop to try and fix for them. It's an IBM Thinkpad A30. A rather big and bulky laptop that I'd never want for myself.
He said that one day the computer worked fine, and the next day it wouldn't turn on. I tried it on both battery power and with the A/C adapter in place. I get nothing at all. Are there any fuses in it anywhere?
Any ideas on where I should look first for problems? I know this leaves a lot of possibilities open, but I hope someone can tell me something useful.
It has Windows XP on it.
He said that one day the computer worked fine, and the next day it wouldn't turn on. I tried it on both battery power and with the A/C adapter in place. I get nothing at all. Are there any fuses in it anywhere?
Any ideas on where I should look first for problems? I know this leaves a lot of possibilities open, but I hope someone can tell me something useful.
It has Windows XP on it.