MSN Messenger Worm Spreads

edited February 2005 in Science & Tech
Security experts have raised the warning level on a worm that spreads via Microsoft's MSN Messenger, in an effort to slow its crawl through Taiwan, Korea, China, and the U.S.
The Bropia.F worm, a variant of the Bropia.A worm detected last month, was raised to a medium-risk threat this week by antivirus firm Trend Micro.

The worm propagates by sending a copy of itself under different file names--including "bedroom-thongs.pif", "hot.pif," and "naked-drunk.pif"--to all available or online contacts on an infected user's MSN Messenger list.

It also sends and executes a file titled "sexy.jpg", which carries the image of a headless, plucked chicken sunbathing, replete with pronounced bikini tan lines.
Source: PC World


  • SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
    edited February 2005
    MSN Messenger is under attack of a worm that comes with a seductive name and download link. The user clicks on the link and gets the copy of attached worm for his PC... ...users of the said messaging program should not accept or open these files to avoid infection.
    As long as you don't click on any random links or accept any file transfers that pop up you're safe. But even with your friends, check they're actually trying to send you something before you accept a download, if they're infected it will probably do it automatically without their consent.

    Removal Tool:
  • godzilla525godzilla525 Western Pennsylvania Member
    edited February 2005
    ...yet another in a long list of reasons to leave Microsoft software by the wayside.
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited February 2005
    Get GAIM its a third party client
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