MSN Messenger Worm Spreads
Security experts have raised the warning level on a worm that spreads via Microsoft's MSN Messenger, in an effort to slow its crawl through Taiwan, Korea, China, and the U.S.
Source: PC WorldThe Bropia.F worm, a variant of the Bropia.A worm detected last month, was raised to a medium-risk threat this week by antivirus firm Trend Micro.
The worm propagates by sending a copy of itself under different file names--including "bedroom-thongs.pif", "hot.pif," and "naked-drunk.pif"--to all available or online contacts on an infected user's MSN Messenger list.
It also sends and executes a file titled "sexy.jpg", which carries the image of a headless, plucked chicken sunbathing, replete with pronounced bikini tan lines.
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