Shuttle AN50r + Silicon 3112A

edited February 2005 in Science & Tech

I have some problems with my new hitachi sata drive (7k250, 160 gigs) and the onboard sata controller Silicon 3112A on a shuttle an50r.

My main problem is, that if i run benches or copy files, the system will hang for some seconds every couple of minutes...
I also had difficulties checking the drive correctly with the hitachi drive fitness tool.

shuttle an50r with latest bios
3112A Bios is 4.2.12 and tried some drivers,,,

Can I apply the Bios Update "*NEW* SiI3x12: Serial ATA (SATA) RAID/IDE BIOS v.4250 Released" (mentioned in a thread before) on my board too? following these instructions ->
Is there any difference between the 3112 and 3112A?


  • edited February 2005
    There is no difference file wise between the 3112 and the 3112A.

    Yes you can follow that tutorial but you will need 4.2.50 from the SI Image site. Just don't try and use the files that are 128kb in size.

  • edited February 2005
    k, thx
    know I have bios 4.2.50, but still the same problems...

    i unplugged my audigy, disabled all unnecessary stuff in the mb bios, reinstalled windows, but still can't bench that drive with sandra... it analyzes and analyzes, and freezes from time to time for some seconds... stopped after 10-15 mins..
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