ATI 9700 PRO Problems......

edited February 2005 in Hardware
Hi, I'm new here, but I have searched all over and can't find any answers to my problem....

I ordered my video card from new egg refurbished. At first my motherboard would not accept it and it gave me a series of beeps when I started up(i.e. video not working). I was pretty pissed off and i didn't want RMA it.
So I started playing with the card to see if i could somehow get it to work. The fan on the card would work so I knew it was getting power. It was just a matter of getting my mobo to detect it. So I decided to not completely have snap it into the AGP slot.. Wah lah bingo it works...
At that point I was pretty excited. I thought I fixed the problem. And I did fix it.... For a while.....
Recently it has been taking forever to get my mobo to detect it. It used to be that I could just stick it partly in and it always work. But later it kept getting worse. Like I would have to try and find a sweet spot every single time I turned my computer on just to be able to use the card.. Adventually I gave up and went to my old card.

My question is this... Is there any way I can make the connection to the AGP slot more conductive or somthing. The card works... It just seems like it has a hard time being detected by motherboards..

Some obvious things I'll get out of the way:
- Yes I have the extra power cord plugged in.
- Yes, I tried the video card on other mobos.

Here is my setup:
AMD XP 2500+
1.25 gig of Ram
Asrock K7 upgrade with KT880 chipset
WD sata drive + WD IDE drive both 80 gig
DVD writer and DVD reader

I think that is it... Any help would be great thanks.


  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited February 2005
    Update the bios... thats all i got.
  • MedlockMedlock Miramar, Florida Member
    edited February 2005
    Try putting agp speed down to 4x, turn fastwrites off, update bios... Make completely sure that your card is seated correctly!

    Trust me, I'm not trying make you look or feel stupid for this, because this same thing was happening to me. I had constant errors with my card and I thought it was in completely and correctly. I just found out the rear side of the card was out slightly and that was the whole reason. It looked just fine, but a little extra push and my 9700 Pro popped right in. Works great now...
  • edited February 2005
    I'll try some of that but I know I am seating it correctly.. You have no idea how many hours I've spent trying to get this thing to be detected. I've tried it on my friends computer. I myself have got a new motherboard during this time. Thanks for all the help. If anyone else has anything its welcome. I'll get back to you on how this works.
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