TCCD Memory Modules discontinued
Looks like another Winbond style tragedy. I don't know how accurate this is, but here is the story regardless..
Good thing I bought my rev.2 already
Good thing I bought my rev.2 already

But I am still perplexed as to why this keeps happening with the good memory modules????
Must resist DDR2 transition. Must resist! Resistance is not futile. :shakehead
A few manufacturers like OCZ have stepped up to the plate and started offering lower-latency modules that finally put the performance where it should be, but JEDEC only ratified craptasmic 4/4/4 timings which is pure ****.
This is a case of product life cycle.
It looks like what it means to me is that I won't be going to A64 until I can get DDR2 also.
I guess you'll be waiting at least another year then unless you go with a Presshot, Ed. A64 isn't going DDR2 for at least that long.
This is a DDR booster that OCZ makes. You need to check out their compatability info though to make sure you have no issues running it on your board.
This looks like very good ddr2 with lower latencies.....maybe we will see an influx of this kind of stuff next....
I have three options.
1. run A64 with non-TCCD memory, no memory OC
2. pray that I can buy someones used TCCD memory
3. wait for DDR2 and A64
Hey, I have two NF7s running now, I can wait.
I don't know now if for my next build I want to go with Intel, or wait even longer for for AMD to go with DDR2. The lower latency DDR2 was always pretty attractive to me, but I would definitely have picked AMD if I could get my hands on some good memory.
Also The INQ says "F" the official statements the same companies are saying off the record that TCCD is basically over due to production constraints. I'd say grab what you can now before the price shoots up.
BTW supposedly the "E" series Opteron/Athlon 64 start appearing Next week 90nm, SSE3 (& Strained Silicon??) as high as 2.8ghz (FX-57)