University Offers Spamming And Spyware Course

edited February 2005 in Science & Tech
A Canadian university has sparked controversy with plans to include instruction on spamming and spyware techniques in a forthcoming computer security course.
Due to start in the autumn, the new Spam and Spyware course at Calgary University’s Department of Computer Science will offer students direct instruction in the techniques used by commercial spammers to bombard a hapless public with their messaging wares.

The course has already attracted criticism from the security industry, concerned over the possible uses of such knowledge. Among elements on offer during the course are "assignments that involve implementing spamming and spyware techniques, and their countermeasures, under controlled conditions".

Obviously aware of likely concerns, the course prospectus stresses: "STRICT assignment protocols will be in effect; failure to adhere to these protocols will result in an "F" grade in the course." It also states that students "will be required to sign a form stating that you have read and understood the assignment protocols, and that you understand that misuse of the information in this course can result in civil and criminal penalties under the laws of Canada and of other countries."

The University also claims that ID checks will ensure all attendees are genuine students and not freelance spammers looking for inside tips. Classroom sessions, it has said, will be monitored by surveillance cameras, and electronic recording equipment will be banned.
I sense nothing but trouble with this one. -KF

Source: TechWorld
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