what does LSP Fix do?
Carlsbad, CA
Hey guys, I got an email from a friend of the family with spyware problems. They ran spybot and AVG and are now clean, but can't access the internet. I know LSP Fix is suppose to fix this, but what exactly does it do? I was reading the readme and it says:
hmm..seems kind of counter productive to me? So if the windows machine missing a module LSP Fix removes it? Does it ever fix the broken/missing module, or do i have to install a winsocks update or something? thanks for the help guys.
If a module is missing, it is placed on the "Remove" list for removal.
hmm..seems kind of counter productive to me? So if the windows machine missing a module LSP Fix removes it? Does it ever fix the broken/missing module, or do i have to install a winsocks update or something? thanks for the help guys.
Basically, an LSP is a "layered service provider." LSP's allow applications to pass data in special ways through your TCP/IP protocols. Basically, they are allowing an app to sending data directly to another system without using your Internet browser to do it. This is good for certain applications, but can also be exploited by malicious software to do things like track your internet activity, send you pop-ups, etc.
The problem with LSP's is they way they are installed. Think of them like light bulbs in an old style Christmas tree strand which are wired in series. If any one light burns out, the whole strand does not work. So, if you run an anti-spyware app, and it detects a malicious LSP, it disables the file (light bulb burns out.) However, in doing so, it can break the whole TCP/IP strand, and takes out your connection.
So, back to the quote you pasted above. A missing module would be the burnt out light bulb, which was disabled by the anti-spyware app. It detects this missing module, and removes that light bulb from the strand. Now, my analogy goes a little awry here, because LSP Fix does not actually put a new light bulb in it's place. It just "splices" the strand back together. The end result is that the broken part of your TCP/IP handler is put back together, and your internet connection will be restored.