Any way to prevent the deleting of folders in Outlook?

TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
edited February 2005 in Science & Tech
I wonder how many times i have deleted the whole folder in outlook when i'm thinking that i just delete the message. It's a bad habit holding down shift and hit delete then hit enter in a fast combo, but i can't get rid of it. Sometimes the folder is marked instead of the actual mail and bam, the whole thing is gone. Anyway to prevent this in outlook except the obious way not using shift all the time? I hate the thrashcan as well. Religious backups is allright, but sometimes i forget to do that...


  • BlackHawkBlackHawk Bible music connoisseur There's no place like Icrontian
    edited February 2005
    Well I don't use Outlook so I wouldn't know of a feature but I could recommned a free backup program that you can use to back up a specific file or folder and I think you can also schedule it. SyncBack. You can set it to backup to a compressed file (zip) and with the same program you can restore. You can also set it to only backup if the file has changed and stuff like that.
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