My net stops working every 10 minutes, HELP.

edited February 2005 in Science & Tech
This is very frustrating. I don't know where else to post this, so here goes:

I have Cable internet. Just got it about a month or so ago. Yesterday my net started experiencing problems. I was downloading a Norton update right before I began a game of Age of Kings. In the middle of my game with a friend (we were playing over IP), I got disconnected. Since then, my net suddenly has been shutting off at random times during the day. This is VERY annoying as I don't know when it will shut off and if I'm in the middle of something it gets canceled.

I tried phoning my ISP, but the wait time was too long so I thought I would post here first to try to get help.

Any ideas why my net just randomly stops working now?
Note that my net will start working again once I restart my computer (until it randomly stops working again).


  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2005
    Must be a Union cable modem. :D

    Do you use a router? If so, check the lease time on your IP address. You might also check your network cables.

    Are you running any programs in the background which periodically check for updates? Like a weather or IM program? Try closing all extra programs down by your clock and see if the problem goes away. If it does, you'll know that one of them is causing the problem.

    Since your computer boots and this is a networking problem, I'm going to send this thread over there for special attention by our net guru's. :)
  • edited February 2005
    Ok, thanks for the advice. But I'm afraid it didn't help me :(. I disabled all my programs (I thought this might be a hacker problem so I downloaded Zone Alarm). Umm.. Yea so I disabled everything, Norton, BigFix (whatever that is), Zone Alarm, and Music Match. I'll reply later and see if it helped. The thing is, before I had all these programs and it worked fine. Could it be that I've been downloading too much and now my ISP is making me suffer with downtime? Lol.

  • edited February 2005
    Oh, and I'm not using a Router.

    :wtf: This is an interesting problem indeed.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2005
    The next time it happens try running the program I've attached. If you click on "More Info" it will show you your lease time at the bottom. When you get knocked off the Internet, try clicking "Release All" then "Renew All". This might get you back in business without having to reboot.

    Pay attention to the IP address which will show up in the box I outlined in Blue. If you lose your Internet connection it may change to a "local" (i.e. non-web) address.

    This could be happening for a number of reasons. It could be that your cable line is dodgy and once enough users in your neighborhood get on the Internet it drops the load. It could also be a fault with your cable modem. Normally it will only feel the need to refresh your IP address every few days, maybe even a week or so. If it's dropping more frequently it could just be the modem itself.

    One other thing to check is the settings for your Network Adapter in Device Manager. Some of them have a box marked "allow the computer to turn off this device to save power", usually found under the Power Management tab for the device. I'd uncheck the box - it could be that Windows is mistakenly shutting your Network Card down when it shouldn't.

    Let us know if any of this helps. :)
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