Removal Request Email

edited February 2005 in Science & Tech
I just wrote this to ask webmasters of sites which host or have spyware or trojan downloads or links on their sites. Please read this and reply with any suggestions to make it better. This one I specifically wrote in regards to the bestfriends.pif and pictures.pif AIM trojans.

I am a moderator and an experienced spyware remover at I also have created a spyware blocking program, titled "Spyware Shooter". The past few days, we have been bombarded with users asking for help with the Bestfriends.pif and Pictures.pif AIM Trojans. As a result of this, I am sending an email to the webmaster of any site which hosts the virus, in an attempt to help stop the recent outbreak. One user has reported that they were linked to a file on your website, and when they clicked it, the virus installed. The link to this file was (site here)/pictures.pif. As a result of this, I have blocked your website, along with a few other seemingly innocent sites. If it is within your power, it would be appreciated by us people who help people at techinical help forums such as Short-Media, and the large number of users who use AIM, including those who have already become infected with this virus, and the thousands who are at risk. Once this file is removed, I can unblock your site for all users who will potentially download Spyware Shooter.

Thank you,
"Spyware Shooter"


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