Did I delete something I need in HSA removal?

I battled HSA a few weeks ago and finally got it eradicated from my system. After that I started noticing my computer was very unstable... things freeze quite frequently... normally I'd have to reboot once a week, now its multiple times a day. Clicking mailto: links on emails sometimes freezes Outlook, sites will freeze and I'll have to shutdown IE, sometimes WMP won't recognize music files... says something about driver problems... a bunch of different problems with no rhyme or reason. One thing that it steadily does though is after rebooting, a few minutes after working on the computer the taskbar on the bottom (that I always keep 'two clicks' (lack of better terminology-not the normal one row across the bottom, but two) open so I can see the programs I have running will turn gray momentarily and pop back down to one row on it's own (and I have it locked)... it does this everytime I reboot. So I have to unlock it (it stays locked while it does this on its own), pull it back to two rows, then lock it again. Anyways, in my novice spyware removal I'm wondering if I've accidentally deleted a file that I shouldn't have. Just today I started getting this message at startup when I reboot:
The system file is not suitable for running MSDOS and Microsoft Windows applications.
Choose close to terminate the application
The files I was deleting were in the System32 folder... any thoughts? Thanks a million!!!
The system file is not suitable for running MSDOS and Microsoft Windows applications.
Choose close to terminate the application
The files I was deleting were in the System32 folder... any thoughts? Thanks a million!!!

What files did you delete?