The -service command
I understand you don't need to use Firedeamon to orun F@H as a service anymore. I tried using the "-service" switch when starting F@H, but I still get the console window showing up, and I prefer to have F@H running, not seen. :o
Is there a way to do this using only the -service switch, or will I still need to use FireDeamon?
Is there a way to do this using only the -service switch, or will I still need to use FireDeamon?
actually the command is -svcstart so you don't even add anything at all and it runs as a service.
Thought so...but I decided for someone else to answer incase I was wrong
all you have to do is start and stop it thru services.msc
How do you start a service from the services manager?
you shouldn't ever start it the other way.
What I do is when I want to configure it I open the coomand prompt and change to my f@h folder. Then I type FAH502_Console -configonly and this allows me to set up a new client.cfg withouth disturbing the process. Then once I complete my current wu I can stop the client and restart it again and it takes effect!