Hackers Post Paris Hilton's Address Book Online

edited March 2005 in Science & Tech
Hackers have posted the cellular-phone address book of hotel heiress and celebrity Paris Hilton on a Web page and passed the phone numbers and e-mail addresses of some of Tinseltown's hottest stars into the public realm.
A copy of Hilton's T-Mobile USA cell-phone address book appeared Saturday on the Web site of a group calling itself "illmob." The address book contains information on over 500 of Hilton's acquaintances, including super celebrities such as Eminem and Christina Aguilera. It is not known how the information was obtained, but the release of the address book may be further fallout from a hack of T-Mobile's servers that came to light in January.

The Hilton address book was posted on the illmob Web site early Sunday and is a simple HTML table listing the phone numbers and e-mail addresses for acquaintances, along with other useful information, such as the number of the San Francisco Hilton Hotel and celebrity attorney Robert Shapiro. Attempts to read the list today resulted in a "Page Not Found" error message, however; a blog on the site said the traffic to illmob.org was much heavier than normal.

The leak is bound to prompt a furious round of unplanned number changes among Hilton's coterie, after fans and curious Web surfers learned of the hack and began dialing their favorite celebrities.
Source: PC World


  • edited February 2005
    I phone Steven Segal and snoop doog.

    Also my freind spoke to a pron star lol.
  • RADARADA Apple Valley, CA Member
    edited February 2005
    Couldn't have happened to better person! ;D;D

    She makes me sick.
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited February 2005
    Whether I like her or not, this just pisses me off. Do people just have nothing better to do?

    /me looks around
    Dumb question I guess...:rolleyes:

  • edited February 2005
    whats the link
  • edited March 2005
    'Ello. I am a huge fan of Seth Green. Do ze have ze number?
  • edited March 2005
    whats paris hiltons house number phone number adress andside kicks adress
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    omg this is stupid. i'm closing this thread.
  • Bea
    edited March 2005
    Whats Paris' e-mail?
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Omfg Stop
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    There. I took care of that once and for all :D Goodbye newspost!
This discussion has been closed.