Games Just Wont Install!!! Please Help

edited February 2005 in Gaming
hey hope u guys can help!
I have an nforce2 a7n8x deluxe asus motherboard
1 gig ram
Radeon 9700 pro

Well what happens is that a while ago I would try to install a game specificly Battlefield 1942, and it would say that the file is corrupt, I would hit retry and ity would eventualy work, or I would restart the pc and then I would work(after presing retry again)

This has happend to me also with the sims2, hitman, far cry. But now I want to Install EOD 0.4 but I wont get past 55%
Ive reinstalled windows, have all the new drivers, updated boot menu, what can it be?
Please help!!!
Ohh yea and my pc just reboots it sself all the time.
One time the mother bord died, and I now have a new one, with about 7 fans,
(it crashed because of heat).


  • BlackHawkBlackHawk Bible music connoisseur There's no place like Icrontian
    edited February 2005
    Have you checked the ram?
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited February 2005
    sounds like your optical drive may be shot.

    Try it with a different optical drive, even an old crappy 4x cd rom or something.
  • edited February 2005
    Thanx, well I have a cd-rw drive that works fine, its about a year old. Pluse some Its not with all games, and not always with cd rooms. For example Battlefield 1942...wich is the main problem at this moment works fine after some try agains, but its there exancion packs that really do the trick. Eod is a MOD, with just realesed its 0.4 (this is a free mod by the way). Before the had 0.31 and for some reason I had no problem. Do to get to the point I think its either my harware or, some bios setting...what do u think? This only happens with really big programs, and games. For example I bought the new sims and it wouldnt install. I took it back to the store and they installed it there on some old pc and it worked fine.
    What to do????
  • edited February 2005
    Ohhh im going to test the ram, Ill tell u what happends...thanks a lot!!! :D
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited February 2005
    Oh, i thought you meant you can't INSTALL any games. Sorry.. Definitely run memtest.
  • edited February 2005
    ran memtest and it said both ram of 512 are defective, tested one by one after, and same thing, could it be my mothetboard? this is killing me...thanxs for the replies
  • floppybootstompfloppybootstomp Greenwich New
    edited February 2005
    Considering the memtest results and your fault symptoms, I'd say there's an above average chance your memory is shot.

    Looks like you need to get some new RAM :(
  • edited February 2005
    well thanxs for the help, I quess I will take it to a technician. But I think you are right...the RAM :bawling:
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