Email Problem

PrgmanPrgman TEXAS
edited March 2005 in Science & Tech
I have developed a problem when emailing PDF files and Jpegs. I have Microsoft Outlook. It seems to "disconnect" from the server when trying to email these type of files. When I email text , it works great. I tryed pinging the web address, thinking it could be a problem with my provider, and everything worked ok. I tryed another browser and it still does the same. It seems to be a problem with windows, or something. I hooked a laptop to the network an had no problem emailing, so i have narrowed it down to the one machine. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this, and If they found a resolution. Any hel would be a great appreciation. It is on Microsoft windows xp home addition. Thanks- :(:(


  • maxanonmaxanon Montreal
    edited March 2005
    Do you have dial up or faster? It could be a time-out issue, if the pdfs and jpgs are large enough. Increase your time-out threshold in the set-up/options of the accounts for outlook.
  • PrgmanPrgman TEXAS
    edited March 2005
    I have Cable. Thanks-
  • maxanonmaxanon Montreal
    edited March 2005
    Does it disconnect immediately or does it try to send and then disconnect? If its the former, then re-visit the time-out issue in your mail program.
  • PrgmanPrgman TEXAS
    edited March 2005
    It trys to send and then disconnects. Thanks
  • maxanonmaxanon Montreal
    edited March 2005
    Did you look at the timeout threshold in the software? If so, what is it?
  • PrgmanPrgman TEXAS
    edited March 2005
    I don't think it would be a timeout problem. I can''t get it to email these files in Outlook express or Mozilla email client either. I will try anything right now though. Thanks
  • maxanonmaxanon Montreal
    edited March 2005
  • PrgmanPrgman TEXAS
    edited March 2005
    That did not work either.-John
  • maxanonmaxanon Montreal
    edited March 2005
    Do you have a software firewall set-up that monitors e-mails as well?
  • PrgmanPrgman TEXAS
    edited March 2005
    Yes I have Norton. I have disabled it, and It still does the same thing. Thanks
  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited March 2005
    Have you tried e-mailing other attachment types? I want to know if the problem is with *all* attachments or just PDFs and JPGs specifically.

  • PrgmanPrgman TEXAS
    edited March 2005
    Dexter wrote:
    Have you tried e-mailing other attachment types? I want to know if the problem is with *all* attachments or just PDFs and JPGs specifically.

    It just does it with PDF, and Jpeg files.Thanks-
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