BF1942 question
I have BF1942 the origonal version I have updated it with the current patches but I noticed that when I try to play online most of the online servers I try to connect to say that I have the wrong version, thats even on a server with a map that I have like wake. What is causeing this?
I'm stumped, I even uninstralled the game and reinstalled it then updated it with the new patch and still got the same results...
Now if I could ever fix the crash back to the desktop thing that would be great...
Not sure what causes it but usualy if I reboot it will stop but if the machines run for a few days with out a reboot and I try to play then games crash back to the desktop...
Not a biggy though I don't have time to troubleshoot this for hours and days... At least I can play BF1942 again...