Trillian 3.1 Debuts
Cerulean Studios launches Trillian 3.1, the newest version of its all-in-one instant messaging client that works with the AOL, MSN, Yahoo, and ICQ public IM networks.
Source: Information Week
Submitted by: TheSmJThe new edition runs faster, claims Cerulean, during such chores as rendering icons and start-up, adds an undo feature to the text-entry box, allows users to edit AOL Profiles in HTML, and guarantees that contacts from multiple accounts aren't accidentally merged.
Source: Information Week
It's a pitty really, it showed so much promise before 1.0. I think my main annoyance with it is that they added their own version of Webcam and Audio with use of MSN instead of becoming compatible with MSN's webcam abilities.
I'm not happy.
Not amused is putting it mildly, I'm going to have to switch accounts yet again