FEI Shows Off New Nano-Microscope

edited March 2005 in Science & Tech
FEI Company, a nanotechnology tools developer, recently introduced the new Nova NanoSEM, a scanning electron microscope. The NanoSEM and its new Helix detector technology (which "combines magnetic immersion lens and low-vacuum SEM technologies for the first time in the history of field emission scanning electron microscopy") is designed to enable non-conductive materials researchers and nano-particle manufacturers to view high resolution images of various nanoscale materials, such as diamond film, polymers, substrates, and other substances needing major visual magnification for observation.
The microscope was designed using a number of proprietary advances in electron imaging, including custom electron beam techniques and home-grown detection systems. Of course, these are only the tools required to do the research, but eventually advances like this will bring our wild nanotechnology dreams to fruition.
Source: GEEK.com
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