Google moves beyond beta with desktop search

SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
edited March 2005 in Science & Tech
Google has introduced a full version of its desktop-search software, with a developer's kit and support for the Firefox and Netscape browsers.
"Google desktop search stores a copy of everything you see," said Nikhil Bhatla, a Google product manager. "That can be extremely useful if, for example, an application crashes. With (the tool), you can get the text of that last document you were working on."

For that reason, security plays a bigger part in the full version. Because the tool had been able to index privacy-sensitive documents--against users' wishes--the final product avoids indexing those Word and Excel files that are password-protected, Bhatla said. It also allows people to block indexing of secure Web sites. Google previously had to update the software because of the potential for malicious hackers to capture some personal data.
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