Is anyone else's production way down?

DanGDanG I AM CANADIAN Icrontian
edited March 2005 in Folding@Home
I'm down about 5-600 points a day. All of my boxes are still running and turning in work, but the points just aren't there. Is it a new round or WU's that just don't give as many points but still take the same amount of work?


  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2005
    DanG wrote:
    ...Is it a new round or WU's that just don't give as many points but still take the same amount of work?
    Judging by my rigs, yes. There seem to be a lot of the 46 & 63 point WU's being released over the last week or so. Whether on a high end computer or a dog of a machine (and I've got both types Folding) they seem to yield fewer ppw on average.

    Stanford seems to cycle these things; I'm sure those meaty 600-Pointers will be back eventually. :)
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited March 2005
    That answers my question to. I was begining to doubt my sempron again but it looks as you say, quite a few smaller WUs.
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    I am seeing a real mix right now.
    Still a few 600's, but a lot of odd smaller stuff.

    All of my boxes have DLed new cores within the last two weeks. These are for tinks, gros and the new jobs too.
  • TroganTrogan London, UK
    edited March 2005
    Prof answered my question. Just setup folding after reformat and got a 63 point WU.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2005
    As a rule of thumb, when I see my ppw dropping I do the following:

    1) Check to see if my rank in the project overall is more or less the same
    2) Compare my production trend to the Team 93 trend at EOC

    If my output corresponds to the average of the team and the project as a whole it is safe to say that it's just a slow cycle point-wise. I console myself by keeping in mind that all of the research is valuable to the ultimate goal - curing disease. Even the crummy little @$#!*&% WU's! :D
    edcentric wrote:
    ...All of my boxes have DLed new cores within the last two weeks. These are for tinks, gros and the new jobs too.
    Just checked all my local computers; no new cores for me on any of them... :scratch:
  • TimTim Southwest PA Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    I've had my Abit BP6 with twin 533 celerons @ 600 running folding for over a month now, and it's NEVER gotten anything bigger than 47 points.

    In a way that's just as well, because it only has 2 128 MB sticks of RAM in it, and I set the hard drive paging file to 1 GB. But it's still pretty slow if you want to get on the internet with it.

    It needs more RAM.
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Tim, what do you need for ram in it?

    The new work units need at least 512.
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited March 2005
    Same here. A lot more WU's with lower points value. Coupled with some computer issues we had, our averages are way down. :(

    I'm sure it all works out in the end as everyone is in the same boat. :)
  • edited March 2005
    No, not down at all :D
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2005
    KingFish wrote:
    No, not down at all :D
    Rub it in fella...

    Somebody ought to smack you! ;D;D
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited March 2005
    profdlp wrote:
    Rub it in fella...

    Somebody ought to smack you! ;D;D

    Is this what you mean Prof?? :hitit2: ;D;D;D
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