Lacie 1TB thoughts
anyone seen one of this around
I have one on the way
just want to get youre thoughts on it
if anyone want to know about it, I can answer them after i get it
it should be here on the 10 march
anyone seen one of this around
I have one on the way
just want to get youre thoughts on it
if anyone want to know about it, I can answer them after i get it
it should be here on the 10 march
newegg was wanting 900 dollars for it
can't wait for it
you can get 2 1 TB for 1650 dollers
still nice when I have over 300 gig of data
anyone know where I can find a PIMCA firewire 800 card
quite tho
I love this
/me 's brain explodes
Seriously, though. You are one lucky sonuvabitch. If that thing didn't cost as much as my computer, I'd get it. That puppy could hold more storage than every harddrive in this house 3 times over. Lucky bastard. What kind of transfer rates do you get?
If I ever decide to go on a killing spree and steal peoples' stuff, remind me to stop at your place first
now only if I can get my hands on a firewire 800 pimica card
which the LaCie does support:)
this is why I love it
Burst speed is 40.1 meg(max on firewire)
avrage is 35.9 meg
CPU usage is 1%
access is 14ms
via HDtach
the one from lacie is 80 bucks
guess what I am ordering next week:)
EDIT HHMM that one looks better to me
on next weeks order
now all i need to be set is the new laptop and a gig ethernet card for it
the gig eathernet router for the 2 laptops and 1 desktop(download server/folding system)