Dual Core Athlon 64 Preview

HardwareUpgrade from Italy have a reputed benchmark & screenshots of a Dual-Core engineering sample Athlon 64 running at 2.4 GHz that was on show at CEBIT. In Cinebench 2003 it outperforms a dual Opteron 250 (only just!) Impressive if it's true.
Its in Italian but the screenshots speak for themselves
Source: HardwareUpgrade
Its in Italian but the screenshots speak for themselves

Source: HardwareUpgrade
Anyone who wants the power of dual processing.... I had HEARD that you can put it in any single socket motherboard but I am not sure about that. Of course it has to be the same socket. It's just like having two processors, but it's on one chip instead. Unlike HT which only pretends... it's more like 1.2 processors
My rule of thumb is... if ANY component costs more than $300 it's not worth it. In this case, it's two processors, I dunno what I would consider. But if each core has a decent speed, I might be willing up bump it up to $400, but definitly no more than that.
it must be against the law then, but when has that stopped them
Thats because XP, 2000 pro and 2000 server all come 1-2 cpu licensed with retail and oem copies, if you want more you have to buy it, 2003 packaging does not mention number of cpu's it will support but im sure its 5 or under.
I know why they're doing it. I'm stating that it's a nice change of pace for Microsoft not changing their licensing agreements.