Is SoundMAX compatible??

edited March 2005 in Hardware
I am trying to install an OLD game. I get an error saying that it can't load drivers for my particular sound card. It requires SoundBlaster® or 100% compatible, Pro Audio Spectrum™, Adlib® Gold or the Microsoft® Sound System. I have SoundMAX. Is this compatible?? :confused:

The game is Are You Afraid Of The Dark (a Nickelodeon game) that runs on DOS! I loved this game and now I'd like my son to try it out. I'm sure he'll get a kick out of it too. :D

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate them! :thumbsup:


  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited March 2005
    im going to guess no, but you could always try just picking other sound cards and seeing if one of them happens to work
  • edited March 2005
    Thanks for the quick reply! How do I go about picking other soundcards? Do you mean actually pulling out the SoundMAX card and buying a SoundBlaster card? I'm a little wet behind the ears when it comes to this sort of thing.
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