Question bout P2P

Ok, im sure that im gonna catch some heat from thrax and everyone else for this one, but i have edonkey on my computer and spyware threats aside what are the actuall chances of the RIAA and the likes of them actualy catching me?
There is no such thing as anonymity on the internet. The chances of you getting "caught" are 100% if they decide to prosecute you.
The chances of them deciding to prosecute you are probably very low. Big ocean and all that.
It's your gamble. We don't condone or discuss methods or means of pirating software on this site. If you participate in software, music, movie piracy, etc, you are committing a crime and you can be prosecuted for it.
Don't share copyrighted files.
Good luck.
That's key, that you aren't anonymous at all. A lot of these p2p apps have these "IP filters" that block by domain or specific IP ranges which are known to be used by RIAA or whomever to scan p2p networks, but, they can just as easily get new IP blocks or sub out the jobs to smaller companies, those IP filters are pretty worthless really.
That said, a good way to not have to worry about it is switch to MSN Music or iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, etc, etc. Getting music is a service that has to paid for, although I'm not sure the lawsuits against people are the greatest way to go about it, they definitly made me think about the possible consequences, that and the declining quality of music on p2p networks made me switch to a real music service (MSN Music).
Not trying to lecture, just saying, it's a risk. If you want free music then you run the risk of getting caught, so don't think any of these p2p programs can shield you from it.
MSN Music is encoded in 160kbps WMA format, Apple had this on their site for info about the iTunes bitrate
I think AAC is a higher quality format than MP3, so, altho it's 128k, as they say as well, it would sound much better than a comparable bitrate mp3 file.
The 160k WMA files are very good sounding and I would say you couldn't find a difference between it and a CD recording. (some of the elitist 'audiophiles' who swear they can till difference of higher quality bitrate mp3s may say differently, but they are ridiculous anyway). As for itunes, I'm not sure because I don't have personal experience with it, but I would assume the situation is the same, prime might have some info to offer about that, I think he uses itunes.
I believe Rhapsody and Napster both utilize the same encoding technologies/DRM systems as MSN Music (ie: WMA w/DRM) so the quality is most likely comparable. Napster may be different being as how it's subscription based and not a "download" music store, but, I'm pretty sure they all use WMA because they're listed as Windows Media compatible services.
Let's also take into account that all of these music services offer downloads encoded with high precision and good original copies and not the 10 yr old ripping it off a friends burned CD that you'll find on some of the p2p networks, and that's really a big thing of it as well.
Buds of mine use Napster and like it alot, I used iTunes and it's ok. But I haven't had any new songs added to my playlist in a long time becuase of all the rcap that's come out lately. But that's another thread.