Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 Details Begin To Leak

edited March 2005 in Science & Tech
Since it first revealed a month ago that it was pulling a U-turn by releasing a new version of Internet Explorer independent of Longhorn, Microsoft has been unwilling to share many particulars about its forthcoming browser.
Will Internet Explorer 7.0 have tabs? Will it comply with the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 2.0 standard? Exactly how will it make browsing more secure? Will it ship in 2005?

Microsoft's answers? No comment.

Microsoft has shared publicly that IE 7.0 will be focused primarily on improving security.

Company officials said recently that Microsoft plans to make IE 7.0 available to Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 and Windows XP Professional x64 users. A first beta of IE 7.0 is due out this summer.

But Microsoft is sharing quite a few more specifics about IE 7.0 privately with key partners, claim sources who requested anonymity.

Sources say that IE 7.0–which is code-named "Rincon," they hear–will be a tabbed browser.
Source: eWeek


  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Microsoft has shared publicly that IE 7.0 will be focused primarily on improving security.
    Which probably means they'll be ignoring standards as usual... :rolleyes:
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