need to download foxconn sound driver.
hey ive opened up my computer to check the sound card because i have no sound on the computer at the moment. all i can see is foxconn written on it. its also integrated with the motherboard. its an amd athlon xp 2400+ computer. any help would be appreciated because i have no idea where to find it!
i found a foxconn site where they listed their motherboards, and after u click on the motherboard u own it will take you to that pafe, and then u can download drivers for that motherboad.
(I've looked on site, but 'vent found my model listed there)
here's what I saw on my soundcard : FoxConn 1237C (or 1237CC)
Model No: Gateway (GM) MFATXPNT ESA 500LP04)
pls help, thanks
you need to idenify the sound chip on your mobo and then download the newest audio drivers from the chip manufacturer's website. my guess is realtek since they are in about 90% of the mobos with onboard sound. but that is just a stab in the dark without more info.
if people would just list their specs when asking a question it would make our job here at SM much easier...
The foxconnchannel site has sound drivers etc but they make no difference, the message i get is that i have no sound driver !
Where do i get a sound driver os how do i get soundMAX to install as the process will run but always fails at the last hurdle
Im getting the same problem. In Device Manager it says my audio devices and controllers are working and intact, however, sound refuses to work on the system. I checked out my computers specs using Belarc - but i still am unable to locate the probelm, or find the correct driver. Neither soundmax or asus drivers are working. Very frustrating indeed. Help would be appreciated.
"Bad DirectSound driver. Please install proper drivers or select another device in configuration. Error code blah blah"
I can't even see my sound card since the foxconn pieces are covering it. The motherboard reads '250W PS 661MxPro'
I've tried the systemax website for drivers (funny that they have none) and even where I got the machine, but nothing. reformatting always has random issues like this, sigh.
Here's the thing :
I'm a newbie in all of this and i wanted to ask for help
I have a Foxconn Motherboard (sound too i guess...)
when i cheked for the refrences in it i found only this
UYBJ3703030 ! ..... also Intel donno if it's help !
i lost my cd drivers! (stupid -_-")
So please help me out ^^ as soon as possible
Thank you again
You can also look at the chips themselves and see what the markings are on them.
sorry i know i gave poor information to let you help me!!
Any help you could give me would be greatly apreciated.
Gateway has an unconventional model nameing setup.
Just giving us your model number won't help in most cases, as it is not the actual model number of the unit.
Most of the time, I need your ten digit serial number starting with 00 to find out which unit you actually have. Also, running a diagnostic software like belarc or everest will tell you what your real number is.
As an example, I get about 40 emails per week on the E4000. There is not just an E4000, that series has over 40 different model numbers and configurations.
Many times, they will send me a request for a particular model number, they can't find drivers online anywhere that work, because they are installing the wrong drivers for that motherboard configuration. So, when requesting tech help, include you serial number. Run a diagnostic program if necessary to id your real model number or your actual motherboard. It will get your unit running better and faster, and it will help those of us doing tech support to solve your questions faster.