MY Custom PC just shuts off auto!!
My pc that I made is shutting off automatically in around half an hour. At first I thought it was the video card b/c i switched it. So I switched it back and it still does it. The green light on the front stays on so i have to switch the switch ont he PSU until it shuts off and then switch it back.
What could the problem be?? My dad needs the pC :o
I just thought of it. Its gatta be the ram right? Must be that PNY stick. GRRR didnt work in my pc either, it would just restart at random
What could the problem be?? My dad needs the pC :o
I just thought of it. Its gatta be the ram right? Must be that PNY stick. GRRR didnt work in my pc either, it would just restart at random
Now I dont have a clue
the motherboard fried?
If you have another power supply you can try that might be a good idea. It's a fairly easy way to test things out along those lines and will at least eliminate it as the source of the trouble.
THe pc isnt really old excep that the mobo is an old model. I had the same PNY stick in the asus mobo and I had about the same problem as i do now, only that on the asus it started up for about 20 seconds. I dare not use that PNY ram again until i test it.
It was my PSU. It was the case one. It was so loud to :o Now everythings all set i think
But yea So when something ususaly doesnt work I do anything. until it does or I give up. So i cleared the cmos
Yep. Set the FSB (Front Side Bus) to 166 MHz and the multiplier to 11.
11 X 166 = 1833 which is the actual clock speed of a 2500+ CPU.
BTW: Since you have questions about the memory, now is the time to test it - while everything else is running properly. Don't make me sic primesuspect on ya.
Could someone help me on that memory test thing. I guess I will put it on a 3.5 disk. I tried it but Im not sure how
wait I ganna try ISO
It didnt boot.
Those cpu's ran pretty hot. If the HSF is clogged or dirty it could be overheating.
When you say it runs a few minutes is that just sitting in windows idle or are you gaming or what?
Copy the memtest program to the floppy you just made. Reboot the computer, go into the BIOS, then set your Floppy Drive as the first boot device. Continue booting, taking you to an A:\ prompt.
Type in the name of the memtest program and hit enter. The program should start. After that, just follow the instructions to run the test. The test "loops", so keep an eye on what pass you're on. If things look good after a pass or two you are OK. If you get any errors, the ram is bad.
Good luck.
EDIT: Good suggestion, Tex. I type too slow...
im like 90% sure that its your PSU! That exact same thing happened to me- the green light stayed on in the front, and i had to switch off the PSU. I bought a new Thermaltake PSU, and its been perfect ever since.