Firefox and its extensions

danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
edited March 2005 in Science & Tech
Some of the extensions Firefox has available are pretty cool such as ForecastFox, a little weather addon for you to be able to see the current conditions. All weather forecasts and current conditions are taken from


  • entropyentropy Yah-Der-Hey (Wisconsin)
    edited March 2005
    The extensions are very nice. FoxyTunes is very cool :)

    But I think I'm going to have to make some sacrifices with them. Firefox takes up 60+ megs or ram now, just for one tab :(
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited March 2005
    I have 9 tabs open and it is using 85MB
  • RewiredRewired Member
    edited March 2005
    How can you tell exactly how much ram a particular application is using?
  • BlackHawkBlackHawk Bible music connoisseur There's no place like Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del), processes tab.
  • RewiredRewired Member
    edited March 2005
    Ok there is one column that says CPU. Am I correct to say this is CPU usage as in processor usage? In a real world situation how do applications affect CPU usage versus Memory Usage?

    I understand my questions are anything but eloquent but please bear with me. Thx.
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited March 2005
    Yes, but as for memory useage, you have to add that (select view --> add columns)
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