Mozilla, Thunderbird Updated; New Camino Site
The Mozilla Foundation has updated Mozilla, its eponymous application suite, to version 1.7.6 and has updated Thunderbird, its e-mail client, to version 1.0.2. In addition, a new Web site has been posted for Camino, the Mac OS X browser based on the Mozilla Gecko engine.
Source: PC WorldMozilla is an applications suite that features a Web browser, a mail and newsgroup reader, and an HTML editor. Most importantly, the new release of the Mozilla suite incorporates a fix for the Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) homograph spoofing problem, which had allowed Web site domains that used international characters to appear as conventional roman characters instead. This problem might be exploited by "phishers" trying to trick unwary users by posing as another Web site, such as a bank or Internet service provider, and convincing them to divulge sensitive information such as credit card numbers or personal data. The release addresses various other security issues as well, and provides a host of bug fixes and other changes (about 70 altogether).
The Thunderbird e-mail client features junk mail detection and eradication, support for IMAP and POP protocols, built-in support for RDF Site Summary/Rich Site Summary (RSS), and more. The 1.0.2 release is described as an "essential upgrade" for all 1.0 users (there was no 1.0.1 release). The Mozilla Organization lists a number of security fixes for this release, along with improved stability.