Slydog Folds His First WU
Centreville, VA
Welcome the Team, Slydog!!
I see you finished that gromac you mentioned in your TV Tuner card thread. I see many more WUs coming from you and your future A64 computer.
Fold on
I see you finished that gromac you mentioned in your TV Tuner card thread. I see many more WUs coming from you and your future A64 computer.
Fold on
Thanks for joining the team
As someone who works in neuroendocrine research (ie Alzheimers, parkinsons, depression etc) i know exactly how important this work could be. It is for this reason (and its also pay day today!!) that i feel that i should make the purchase of that dfi nf4 sli-DR that has featured in my dreams for so long (but should i go winchester 3000 or 3500??).
Once again, thanks for the welcome..... and fold on
<font size=3 color=red><c><b> Fold for a Friend, Fold for a Cure, Fold for Short-Media </b></c></font>
Check out the "New to the Team?" sticky for some more info you might be interested in
FLD on for the cause.