Intel Deploys Prestandard WiMax
WiMax backers continue to seed early versions of the technology among prospective customers, hoping that it will spark demand when services roll out in early 2006.
Source: eWeekIn the latest example, Intel Corp. has provided the National Museum of Science and Industry here an early WiMax deployment for its reserve warehouses, which sit on an abandoned airfield near Intel's offices in Swindon, England.
A WiMax antenna sits atop the seven hangars currently in use by the museum, connected wirelessly to the base station housed in Intel's Swindon offices. Inside each of the hangars, six Wi-Fi access points allow museum employees to roam between the hundreds of exhibits in storage, entering data on a Tablet PC.
Although hundreds of companies are members of the WiMAX Forum, including Intel, Alvarion Ltd., Atheros, France Telecom, Fujitsu, LG Electronics, Samsung, Sanyo and others, WiMax isn't a done deal. A number of companies including Broadcom, Cisco Systems, and large national telecom carriers are shying away from WiMax in favor of what they feel are more developed wireless standards, such as WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) and HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access).