Sony Releases New PlayStation Portable
First "Star Wars" movies, then Harry Potter books. Now, Sony Corp's new PlayStation Portable is getting the midnight-release treatment reserved for the most hyped of pop culture products.
Source: YahooWhat remains to be seen is whether the handheld entertainment system can live up to consumer expectations — and whether Sony has manufactured enough to meet demand.
Sony had stocked North American retailers with 1 million units for Thursday's launch, and many stores scheduled midnight hours to meet demand from gamers, the company said Wednesday.
Sony hopes the sleek, portable system — which allows users to play games, view movies and pictures and listen to digital audio — will transcend the traditional young, male gaming demographic.
Both storefront and online retailers have taken pre-orders for the system since it was announced in September. And Sony has sold more than 1.2 million units in Japan since the system's launch there on Dec. 12.
That's very unlikely as LCD's have gotten much better in quality even the cheap crappy ones.
real FF7, not that advent children junk
I Hope I Hope I Hope I Hope I Hope