maximusbad Badgers 3K
The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
Hey, gang - look who's Folding again.
Three cheers for maximusbad - it's great to have you back aboard the Team 93 bandwagon!
Three cheers for maximusbad - it's great to have you back aboard the Team 93 bandwagon!
Way to FLD.
It'll be Folding 24/7 that way.
As far as getting a case and hard drive for yourself, if anyone has parts they want to send you that's cool, too. The more creative ways we can grow the team and help the project, the better.
It's great to see you back in the fight against disease - we're all looking forward to your next milestone. :woowoo:
You can find small (10GB-20GB) drives on ebay for peanuts. They work just fine for Folding.
Good luck, man!