*sigh...* (f@h frustration)

rachaelrachael saaaf of the river
edited June 2005 in Folding@Home
i just received the email-out from the team, so here i am :)

the reason i stopped folding was that i got a WU that was massive, considering the processing power of my little old vaio notebook, and it was gonna take weeks to do but, no matter, i thought- if it takes long, it takes long...

i was thrilled (perhaps to an unhealthy degree) when i hit 2% then my 'puter went on standby while the client was working (cable knocked out, battery near empty) and when i looked again... BACK TO 0% aaargh :eek: and boohoo :bawling:

i really, really want to join in and do something, however tiny, to help advance knowledge in this area, so any advice, anyone? (please not the 1980s-style client 'cos i only learned to love computers when the interface got more friendly :rolleyes: and this oldskool stuff makes me all 'wtf?!' :confused: ).

kind regards to all.

yours, rach.


  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited March 2005
    OK you want prettiness huh? It sounds like you have the GUI, the one with the protein drawings. Thats as pretty as it gets.:)

    I am guessing you dont have XP on your Laptop? My batterry ran out on my the other day and I didnt lose my current progress.

    Keep trying. Stanford should send you out some smaller WUs since you have a slower computer. No matter how small, your contribution is ALWAYS welcome!

    If you have any questions at all about the client, please ask.:)
  • edited March 2005
    One advantage of the latest console version is that there is an option to stop the client automatically when the laptop is using battery power so that it won't eat up the battery when disconnected from the grid. It isn't pretty but it works quite effectively. It really is a client that you can set and forget.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited March 2005
    Oh yes I forgot about that. I use it and it pauses when its unplugged and starts back up when its on AC again.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Welcome back rachael. It doesn't matter how slow your laptop is, every little bit helps. Believe me, I'm folding on some SLOW computers (like a cyrix 300 - a very old piece of crap processor that is about as fast as a pentium 166), but they all just crank away.
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited March 2005
    Believe me, I'm folding on some SLOW computers (like a cyrix 300 - a very old piece of crap processor that is about as fast as a pentium 166), but they all just crank away.

    With all those computers, we'll have to call it "Prime's Army". :D

    And when you have a few more of these :birthday: , we'll call it "Dad's Army". ;D
  • DoctorGeo2008DoctorGeo2008 Flint, MI
    edited June 2005
    Welcome back rachael. It doesn't matter how slow your laptop is, every little bit helps. Believe me, I'm folding on some SLOW computers (like a cyrix 300 - a very old piece of crap processor that is about as fast as a pentium 166), but they all just crank away.

    Sorry to bring up an old post but it reminded me of a question I wanted to ask. Last night I got my old 'puter parts out and threw together a pentium 166 to fold on. I got it running but now I'm wondering if I need to just run the WU's that don't have a time limit.

    So, my question is just that... Do I need to run WU's that don't have a time limit on a Pentium 166??
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited June 2005
    most definitely. It may only turn in 1 or 2 WUs a month, but as long as they are the ones with no time limit, they will eventually get turned in for credit :)
  • DoctorGeo2008DoctorGeo2008 Flint, MI
    edited June 2005
    most definitely. It may only turn in 1 or 2 WUs a month, but as long as they are the ones with no time limit, they will eventually get turned in for credit :)

    Uh oh...I think I am already running right now with due dates. :o I'll have to check and if so, I'll run them on another computer first.
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