Keyboard problems (didnt know where to post)
just like 20 mins ago, certain keys on my Keyboard....stopped working, for now i have found that my "Up" arrow, Num Lock, Caps Lock do NOT work.. i havent messed around with them, and i tried to restart my computer but they still did not work. I need help seriously, because i am in great need of having a functional keyboard for writing my external essay. Thank You very much if anyone can help me
just like 20 mins ago, certain keys on my Keyboard....stopped working, for now i have found that my "Up" arrow, Num Lock, Caps Lock do NOT work.. i havent messed around with them, and i tried to restart my computer but they still did not work. I need help seriously, because i am in great need of having a functional keyboard for writing my external essay. Thank You very much if anyone can help me
Not sure what got spilt, but it worked a treat. If it is a desktop computer, could you borrow another keyboard to try??
It is in the wrong part of the forum as this is for computers that will not work.....emergencies only. One of the mods will move it for you, no probs.
You might also go to Control Panel>>Accessibility Options and see if your keyboard settings got messed up. There are third-party programs which can remap keys which could also cause the problem you describe.
You mention that you're writing an essay, so I assume you are a student. Just a thought, but if you live in a dorm where others might have access to your computer you might be the victim of a prank. One of the oldest tricks in the book is to remap someones keyboard so that they get unintended results. You might check all your running processes and see if you can spot anything suspicious.
If you have another keyboard you can borrow for a few minutes that would be a good idea. It would narrow the problem down between hardware and software.
Moved to appropriate Forum
Member is still in need of help.