Microsoft Confirms Problem In Patch For Windows 98, Me
Microsoft posted a message late Friday night to the support discussion groups for Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, and Windows Me acknowledging a problem for users of those OSes who installed a January 2005 patch.
Source: TechWeb"Microsoft has received reports about issues with KB891711 on Windows 98, Windows 98 SE and Windows ME," wrote Jerry Bryant for the Microsoft Security Response Center (MCSE). "At this point, we have been able to confirm these reports and are currently working on a resolution."
According to other posters on the discussion groups, the problem is one of long standing, involves Internet Explorer, and can cause the machine to hang or dramatically slow down after the patch is applied.
While Microsoft didn't explicitly tell users to roll back the patch, the message did continue with, "Please note that by uninstalling the current update, the machine will return to a vulnerable state. At this point, we are currently not aware of customers being exploited by way of the vulnerability fixed in MS05-002 on Windows 98, Windows 98 SE and Windows ME."
Users who need additional assistance can call Microsoft at 866-727-2338 -- the company's PCSAFETY line -- for free help with any security update.