Most Efficient Backup
I need to backup 150+ GB of data. When it gets to that volume, is it more efficient to buy a DVD burner and go that route, or get like 2 extra hard drives, copy over the data, and stick them in anti-static bags somewhere safe?
I remember being able to backup every file that was important to me on floppy disks
I remember being able to backup every file that was important to me on floppy disks
Frequency of need of access is important in making the right choice
I have a drive for my system and documents, a drive for music and assorted video files (no, not that), a drive for software backups, and a drive for movies / tv shows.
Sony DVD+R/RW Recorder Drive Model DW-U10A- Black - OEM
(Very similar to one purchased for the site)
Is this a sufficient choice?
However, I would be inclined to tell you to get another hard drive instead. Simply because of the amount of DVD media required to back up that much data. You may be archiving, but even at only twice yearly intervals, that's a lot of DVD's to buy. I say get yourself a large HD, save yourself some time when you need to backup.
Just my thoughts.
They have a 160gb maxtor on the paper today for $119