Help On amd xp 2400 thorton

edited March 2005 in Hardware
Hey i have a thorton currently running at 15 x 133 and would like to run it at 12 x 166 for preformance gain.What im asking is how to unlock the multiplier on it. Also how to unlock the extra 256 k of chache.

512 mb of PC2700 (running only at 266 vs 333)
Mobo = K7VTA3 V6.0
Amd Athlon XP 2400 thorton

So how do i change or unlock multiplier and how to get the extra chache.

P.S i suc at spelling


  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited March 2005
    Why not just put a better cooler on it and run it overclocked. :S
  • edited March 2005
    I just want the preformance gain from 166 fsb i have a good cooler on it but with the multiplier so high i cant get the fsb above 140 without raising voltage.
  • edited March 2005
    The only way I've heard that you can unlock any desktop locked multi XP proc, be it an AXP, Thorton or Sempron, is to cut the bridge that controls the mobile function on them then use something like clockgen to change the multi and fsb in windows. I have no experience doing this, but I've read of it being done. You would be far better off selling that Thorton and getting a XP-M proc instead as they are unlocked and have all 512k of L2 cache active.
  • edited March 2005
    LOL im trying to work with what i have. So now the question is how to take an amd athlon xp thorton and make it a mobile one?
  • edited March 2005
    You might try asking over at the AMD forums about it, someone there can probably give you some links or maybe try over at the forums in the AMD cpu section. I don't know of anyone here that has done those mods to the proc. If you have a great hsf like an SLK800 or 900, you probably stand a decent chance of overclocking to 166 X 15 if you raise vcore to around 1.8-1.85 with your Thorton though.
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