how can i activated my winXP?HELP please

edited April 2005 in Hardware
Hi guys,

i face some problems with my IBM labtop. i format it by using IBM recovery but in the process of formating , the electric power was switched off :bawling: so i lose my mind.
then i format it again to set up the winXP and there was a new alert says- u have 30 days to activeated your win.

OK now it is just 7days .

could u help me please?


  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited March 2005
    Call MS (go their website they have 800 numbers for ya) or use the help function on your computer to figure out how to activate it online.

  • edited April 2005
    type oobe/msoobe /a from the run command in the start menu. this will bring up the activation wizard. You will need to re-genereate an activation key using the XP Product Key on the sticker on your machine/XP CD. Then connect to the internet and activate away!!
  • edited April 2005
    You've got 4 more activations online, after that you'll have to phone MicroSux to activate XP...
  • matmat
    edited April 2005
    I have tried to activate the windows by several serial numbers and keys. But I always get a message telling me that the key is invalid. I have tried to use the same key with another PC and it works!

    I do not know what is the problem with this damn PC!!

    I am looking forward to see your replays.
  • matmat
    edited April 2005
    madmat wrote:
    You've got 4 more activations online, after that you'll have to phone MicroSux to activate XP...

    is that mean I do not have anyway to install windows xp on my pc?!!

    Can I use another CD or another way?
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Did you buy a legal copy of windows? You have to PURCHASE one copy per PC. We cannot help you with illegal software
  • matmat
    edited April 2005
    Did you buy a legal copy of windows? You have to PURCHASE one copy per PC. We cannot help you with illegal software


    I used to format my laptop by using the recovery inside it. but as I expained, I lost the recovery, so I used the CDs of the recovery which come with any IBM laptop.

    But I am facing such damn problem!! .... please, help me. :bawling:
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    dude, we can't help you. Just call microsoft and if you have a legit copy of windows with a valid product key, they'll be able to reactivate it for you. In the activation wizard, click "phone" - they have toll free numbers for almost every civilized nation on earth. You're making it into a bigger problem than it is.
  • matmat
    edited April 2005
    I will try!

    thanks for your help and your advices

    Great website!!
  • edited April 2005
    My Windows XP was activated more than once as well, so I had to talk to a voice mail reading off a a gazillion numbers. Than when I didn't get it right than I called this microsoft number to get a technician. Had to give the first group of numbers and he gave me a set of numbers to type in the box. Had to make him repeat some of the numbers to make sure everything was right. Than clicked on OK and my Windows XP on my rebuilt machine was activated. This is the second time I did this since I took a drive with XP and Nvidia Nforce from another computer and installed on it already. Everything installed just fine and the newly rebuilt computer runs great now. But, I sure hate to reactivate my Windows. You can make as much as one little mistake during this reactivation or you'll have to try it again.

    Just one more thing. It seems like when a person reactivates each time the length of time you have gets shorter. I only had 3 days to reactivate this last time. Not 30. So you may have run out of the number of times you can reactivate, unfortunately
  • edited April 2005
    Technically you can activate a retail version of XP a million times if you wish but an OEM version, that's up to M.S. to decide, I've read that if they want to be jerks (hmmm...M.S., jerks, whodathunk it?) they can only allow 1 activation per OEM lic.

    I know a dude that's activated his copy of XP well over 200 times and that was as of 2003. The represenative on the phone brought this up (yes they do keep track) and asked him why he kept reformating his machine, he answered "I reformat because I can" and the rep. said "OOOOokay" gave him his info and left it at that. ;D
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