Dual 1.4GHz Tualatins on Asus P2B-DS (dial-up beware)
My new SL5XL's came in the mail yesterday, so I knew the time had come to mod my P2B-DS. Credit for the mod goes to these guys but the amount of effort it took to do the mod means I get to write a thread about it . The first photo is of my workbench with everything I was going to need. I put the super-sharp conical tip on my Weller because we're going to be doing some surface mount resistor swapping.
The board on the left is Mr. Spare Parts-r-us, a dead MSI K7T Master with leaky caps. I removed a 4.7Kohm and a 10Kohm resistor from it for the Vdimm and FS3 mod described on the site. The Vdimm mod was pretty straightforward, just desolder the 5Kohm surface mount resistor from R50 and solder down the 4.7Kohm to raise the DIMM voltage up to 3.3V. The FS3 mod on the other hand...
The board on the left is Mr. Spare Parts-r-us, a dead MSI K7T Master with leaky caps. I removed a 4.7Kohm and a 10Kohm resistor from it for the Vdimm and FS3 mod described on the site. The Vdimm mod was pretty straightforward, just desolder the 5Kohm surface mount resistor from R50 and solder down the 4.7Kohm to raise the DIMM voltage up to 3.3V. The FS3 mod on the other hand...
For its contributions, redchief's finger gets to be in the shot pointing at the finished product.
This mod was very educational in that I vastly improved my surface mount soldering skills. Hopefully with the extra speed this machine will provide enough power to overtake GHoodsum in the Folding standings by the 13th (my birthday).
I looked at the site linked in post#1 (BTW: link has some extra html junk at the end - try: http://tipperlinne.com/p2bmod ) and saw a lot of info for raising the FSB, but couldn't find any multiplier mods.
I could jack up the FSB to 150 and live with the multiplier limitation, (150 X 8 = 1200, pretty close to the CPU's rated speed), but I'm not too sure the memory & PCI Bus is going to be too happy.
If you don't mind, I'd like to tag along in your thread. We want to get this baby Folding ASAP.
Thanks, shwaip.