Moving Sata Raid Array from Silicon Image 3114 to Nforce 4

edited April 2005 in Hardware
Hi, Hopefully somebody can help me.

I recently purchased a Gigabyte GA-K8NXP-9 motherboard and i want to transfer my sata raid 0 array(non OS)2x200gb onto the new motherboard.

Unfortunately i don't have a spare 400gb to backup the data on the drive.

On my old motherboard i moved them from the onboard Silicon Image 3112a Controller to a PCI card with 3114 without any problems. But this time i will be going from the Silicon Image 3114 to Nforce 4 MCP Sata 2 controller. What i want to know has anybody tried it and knows it is safe?

Otherwise i'm going to have to find somebody with spare 400gb to backup :/

I know there is a Silicon Image 3114 controller on my new motherboard. But i wanted to use the Nforce one as it's on the main chipset which has higher bandwidth than the silicon image one which runs on the pci bus. Also the nforce one is sata 2.. so maybe it'll be a bit faster.


  • EQuitoEQuito SoCal, USA
    edited April 2005
    No it won't work. I tried that exact same thing when I got my nF4 DFI.
    btw: you don't need a 400GB drive to back up your data. Any of the backup utilities like Ghost or Acronis will compress the data for you.

    and one more thing: if your drives aren't native SII you won't see any speed improvement.
  • edited April 2005
    Ok thanks for the quick reply. i will backup all the data first. better to be safe than sorry..

    somebody owes me a 200gb drive so i'll just get money for that and pay extra for 300gb, should be enough.
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