NEW ATI Omega Catalyst 5.2 v2.6.12

SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
edited April 2005 in Science & Tech
It looks like Angel Trinidad, of, has been recently overwhelmed with support for his continuing presence in the driver modding community and as a result has decided to get back to business with some fresh driver releases. The first being a new set of Omega Catalyst drivers based on ATI's Catalyst 5.2 driver suite.

Download: ATI Omega Catalyst 5.2 v2.6.12 (2000/XP) (15.5MB)
View: Release Notes
Well, time to get back in business.

I know I said in my last site update that I was gonna release 3 driver sets, well, after thinking about it, there is a problem with doing that, the servers would not be able to handle such a pressure, so I decided to divide the releases to ease the pain. This is the first driver set, based on the ATI Cat 5.2, the next set will be Nvidia, based on the 66.93 official drivers, that will be released on Tuesday (05) or Wednesday (06). Following it will be the ones based on ATI Cat 5.3 next Saturday (09) and for a last added release, the Nvidia drivers based on the 71.84 official drivers on Tuesday (12) or Wednesday (13) of the following week. I hope that covers all the time I have been "snoozing" around. :P

Following today's news, the Omega Drivers based on the official Catalyst 5.2 are ready, go ahead to the ATI Radeon section for the download and make sure you see the readme for the new changes and fixes.

Looks like there's going to be quite a few Omega driver releases over the next few days.



  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited April 2005
    w00t, he's back!
  • ArmoArmo Mr. Nice Guy Is Dead,Only Aqua Remains Member
    edited April 2005
    maybe my computer will stop BSOD with BAD_POOL_DATA and IRQL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO errors
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