Internet Address System Poisoned
A new round of so-called "pharming" attacks is targeting the .com Internet domain, redirecting some Internet users who are looking for .com websites to Web pages controlled by the unknown attackers.
Source: TechWorldThe SANS Institute's Internet Storm Center (ISC) issued a warning Thursday about the new attacks, which corrupt some DNS (domain name system) servers so that requests for .com sites sent to those servers connect users instead to websites maintained by the attackers.
News of the new attacks comes amid increasing reports of pharming scams, and statistics that show at least 1,300 Internet domains were redirected to compromised Web servers in a similar attack earlier in early March.
ISC advised network operators to block traffic to and from the IP addresses involved in the attack to stop the redirection.
DNS is a global network of computers that translates requests for reader-friendly Web domains, such as, into the numeric IP addresses that machines on the Internet use to communicate.
This could make your typical virus problem look like nothing more than a mild annoyance.