csp-750 pump 0 rpm
Ok ...I posted this in another thread but I wanted to get a more broad opinion of what happened here.
These are the facts.
I have a watercooling setup. D-tek whitewater with pro-core 120. I mounted it in the case but I'll be moving it below the case into a seperate box soon. Since I hooked it all up I've fried my video card because of the excess heat since the rad sits almost directly below the video card w/ arctic cooling.
Anyway I hook the pump up to the cpu fan header and everything is working great. At full load my temps are approx 33c sys and 48c cpu.
So last night all of a sudden the eq rpm monitor alarm goes off and rpm's show 0 ...I thought I had lost the pump so I watched temps for a moment.
Still at full load my temps begin to drop. The sys dropped 7c and cpu 3c.
It's still that way now and when I reboot to bios I still get 0rpm reading.
Does anyone have a clue as to what's going on or happened?
apparantly the pump is still running ...perhaps better than before. But it makes no sense.
These are the facts.
I have a watercooling setup. D-tek whitewater with pro-core 120. I mounted it in the case but I'll be moving it below the case into a seperate box soon. Since I hooked it all up I've fried my video card because of the excess heat since the rad sits almost directly below the video card w/ arctic cooling.
Anyway I hook the pump up to the cpu fan header and everything is working great. At full load my temps are approx 33c sys and 48c cpu.
So last night all of a sudden the eq rpm monitor alarm goes off and rpm's show 0 ...I thought I had lost the pump so I watched temps for a moment.
Still at full load my temps begin to drop. The sys dropped 7c and cpu 3c.
It's still that way now and when I reboot to bios I still get 0rpm reading.
Does anyone have a clue as to what's going on or happened?
apparantly the pump is still running ...perhaps better than before. But it makes no sense.
There's dedicated circuitry for determining the rpm flow rate...it could be some sort of fan-type thing that the water flows through, and that generates the rpm signal. Perhaps one of the "blades" broke off and it is now not restricting flow. I don't really know tho :P
If the pump's fairly new you could buy another, when the new one comes in send the old one back for exchange and either A) have a spare pump or B) run the old one and new on in paralle for some killer flow rates for even better cooling or C) run them in series to overcome the head loss of the Whitewater.
BTW, have you tried moving the RPM wire to a different header to see if maybe that header isn't dead??
[EDIT//] Oh, also you might consider adding a waterblock to your vidcard if it'll fit and cool it that way instead of the fan route, the temps are much better and it's one less fan. I'd suggest a Danger Den Maze 4 GPU block, I think they're on sale now and they work very well indeed. [END EDIT//]
yes it's a 2" x 2" pump 12v powered and monitored by the header.
If a blade broke wouldn't you expect a temp increase?
I'll have to open the case and make sure that the pump is still on. I just assumed it was since the temps dropped. I do plan on running parallel once I get this thing situated but it might not be until I get moved into my new house. mtgoat I think still has a card cooler I'll probably get from him then.
Depends on where it went after it broke and how much or if the rpm sensor was slowing down the flow. It's unlikely that this is even how the flow rate was monitored though. Probably just monitors the pump directly somehow.
I'll make sure it's working first of and then try plugging a fan into the header to see if it's monitored i guess.
I would be more suspicious of a board issue. Could possibly be the winbond chip on your board, or even a bios issue of some kind. Did you try to reset your cmos?
I just read up on the new replacement csp-mag ...one of the features is "fan header safe" ...sheesh now they tell me.
Oh sorry, I misunderstood your first post. I thought you said that your cpu temperature WAS 3 degrees, not that it dropped three degrees
I would be weary of 'fan header safe', as those pumps (although small) do still have a pretty decent amount of current draw. I would run that pump on a molex to fan adapter personally.. You can also take the sensing wire (I believe it is yellow) and connect that to the fan header just to get RPM readings, that way you can keep an eye on the pump, while keeping the +12V coming straight from the PSU..
now I have a truesomething 430w with fan molex power cables. should I use that or a regular molex?
Stay away from those Antec fan headers and watercooling pumps. They regulate the voltage to the molex based on psu temperature. You'll basically supply your pump with only +5-7 volts when the system is at moderate temperatures. I'm not sure, but my guess is that your pump will not turn over at all at 5 volts. I'd just use a standard molex connector.