Microsoft Linked to

RewiredRewired Member
edited April 2005 in Science & Tech
Hot on the heels of yesterday's report on comes further evidence that Microsoft is waging a viral marketing campaign to promote its next-generation console. Microsoft corporate vice president and chief XNA architect J Allard was seen sporting a t-shirt with a logo of a large white ant with a distinctive mark on its abdomen that resembled an "X."
As can be seen in a side-by-side comparison, that same ant is also the emblem of, a Web site that appears to reward players of an alternate-reality game with partial pictures of the next-generation Xbox. Although it has been up and down almost all day today (presumably due to increased traffic), the site does display the same ant prominently on its home page underneath the password field and in an intermittent circular image. The ant is also the emblem that appears on the anonymous fliers that have been popping up all over major cities in the US and UK.
Source: GameSpot


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