Godfather Film Director Whacks Godfather Game
According to several wire services, writer-director Francis Ford Coppola expressed his displeasure with Paramount Pictures for selling off the game rights on the American Movie Classics cable network show Sunday Morning ShootOut.
Source: GameSpot
There are cases we're an adaptation of a film will be made purely because its creators know they can make money on the name alone. We'll have to wait and see whether or not that's the case for The God Father game."I knew nothing about it. They never asked me if I thought it was a good idea," he reportedly said. His ire was further riled when he was given a preview build of the game by EA. "They use the characters everyone knows, and then for the next hour they shoot and kill each other. I had absolutely nothing to do with the game, and I disapprove," he was quoted as saying.
The Godfather game is slated for a fourth quarter 2005 release for the PC, PSP, Xbox, and PlayStation 2. EA, its developer and publisher, has said it will be rated "M" for Mature. GameSpot's previous coverage has more information on the film adaptation.
Source: GameSpot
EA's one of few places I haven't put an application into nor will I becuase of my dissatisfaction with the way they are just punching out games, I will have no part in thier mockery.
God, when I found out about a Fight Club game, I never needed to hear an extra word, utter crap. Hell, it goes against the whole idea behind Fight Club!
I also heard they treat their developers really poorly anyway and work them extreme over time all the time and dont pay them well.
One of my lab instructors worked for EA Tiburon, he said something along the same lines.
They’ve got mad skills.